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Two more Iranian protesters are hanged

During nationwide protests in Iran, two men were executed by hanging for the alleged killing of a military member.

Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini were convicted of “corruption on earth” for killing a paramilitary officer.

A “sham” trial, according to human rights organizations, has been widely condemned.

The 22-year-old victim, Mr. Karami, was allegedly killed without his family ever having the chance to meet him.

Mourners allegedly stripped and killed paramilitary soldier Ruhollah Ajamian to honor a recently deceased demonstrator.

An Iranian woman who had been arrested by the morality police for “improperly” wearing her hijab (covering her hair) died while in custody in September, sparking widespread protests against the country’s clerical establishment.

At least 516 demonstrators, including 70 children, have been slain, and 19,262 arrested, according to HRANA (HRANA). Also, 68 security officers have been reported dead.

Many protesters who have been detained have allegedly been tortured, held incommunicado, or otherwise mistreated since their arrest.

Iran’s leaders have called the demonstrations “riots” and have blamed the United States and Israel for inciting the violence.

The men’s execution convictions were reversed on appeal because they claimed torture led to false confessions.

According to the lawyers

Lawyers for Mr. Hosseini claim he was beaten and blindfolded in jail.

Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani said, “He was tasered and beaten on the soles of his feet with a metal rod.”

On January 3rd, the ruling was upheld by Iran’s Supreme Court.

The Karami family begged authorities not to execute Mohammad Mahdi Karami.

Mr. Karami’s lawyers stated he wasn’t eating because he couldn’t hire his own lawyer. Instead, he utilized the legal representation provided by the state.

His family made an emotional appeal to the court to spare his life. “I beg you please, I ask you… to remove the death penalty from my son’s case,” the man’s father pleaded.

Human rights organisations

According to the Centre for Human Rights in Iran, the journalist who spoke with Mr. Karami’s parents was subsequently arrested by police and remains in custody (CHRI).

Director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) Hadi Ghaemi referred to the men’s treatment as a “lynching,” adding that they would not receive a fair trial under the current system.

The Iranian people’s hopes and calls for change have been crushed by the Islamic Republic’s use of executions and lethal force against street protesters.

He advocated for more severe international consequences, such as the withdrawal of ambassadors from Iran.

According to Amnesty International, at least 26 others face the death penalty after being tried in a “fast-tracked unfair group trial” in Iran.

In the same case, three other men have received death sentences and eleven others have received prison terms.

With these most recent hangings, Iran has now executed four people since December.

Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was publicly hanged from a crane in December for allegedly stabbing to death two members of the security forces and wounding four others, and Mohsen Shekari, also 23, was shot dead for allegedly blocking a street and stabbing to death a member of Iran’s Basij force.

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